1. Introduction
In this article, we’ll discuss the SafeVarargs annotation enhancement in Java 9. Before discussing that, we’ll discuss briefly about the @SafeVarargs
From Java 9 onwards, you can also use @SafeVarargs annotation for private instance methods also.
2. @SafeVarargs Annotation
If you use var-arg methods with generic type then at runtime if one type variable points to another type value, then this will result in ClasssCastException
. This problem is called Heap pollution. If your code may lead to Heap pollution, the compiler will generate warnings.
import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { List<String> l1 = Arrays.asList("A", "B"); List<String> l2 = Arrays.asList("C", "D"); someMethod(l1, l2); } public static void someMethod(List<String>... l)// argument will become List<String>[] { Object[] a = l; // assign List[] to Object[] a[0] = Arrays.asList(15, 30); String name = (String) l[0].get(0);// String type pointing to Integer type System.out.println(name); } }
If you compile the code, you’ll see the warning like the following:
>javac -Xlint:unchecked Test.java
Test.java:11: warning: [unchecked] unchecked generic array creation for varargs parameter of type List<String>[]
m1(l1, l2);
Test.java:14: warning: [unchecked] Possible heap pollution from parameterized vararg type List<String>
public static void m1(List<String>... l)// argument will become List<String>[]
Not all var-arg methods cause Heap pollution. If you are sure that your method won’t cause Heap pollution, then you can suppress compiler warnings with @SafeVarargs
@SafeVarargs public static void someMethod(List<String>... l) { for (List<String> l1 : l) { System.out.println(l1); } }
3. Java 9 enhancement to @SafeVarargs annotation
annotation was introduced in Java 7. Before Java 9, this annotation is applicable only for static methods,final methods and constructors.
But from Java 9 onwards, you can also use @SafeVarargs
annotation for private instance methods also.
Following is a valid code in Java 9.
@SafeVarargs //valid in Java 9 but not in Java 8 private void m3(List<String>... l) { // some method body }
4. Conclusion
In this article, we discussed the SafeVarargs
annotation and the Java 9 SafeVarargs
annotation enhancements. Hope this article was helpful.