An interface with only single abstract method is called functional interface. A functional interface can contain default and static methods which do have an implementation in addition to single unimplemented method.
Functional interface acts as a type for lambda expression and can be used to invoke lambda expression
annotation is added to declare interface as functional interface.- Use of
annotation is not compulsory for a functional interface, but use of@FunctionalInterface
annotation helps in preventing additional abstract method accidentally. - Adding additional abstract method in an interface declared with
annotation will result in compilation error.
There are some predefined Functional interfaces in Java. Following are some examples with their single abstract methods:
Interface | Single Abstract Method |
public interface Consumer<T> | void accept(T t) |
public interface Function<T,R> | R apply(T t) |
public interface Predicate<T> | boolean test(T t) |
public interface Supplier<T> | T get() |
public interface Runnable | void run() |
public interface Callable<V> | V call() |
public interface ActionListener | void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) |
You can also define a functional interface. For example, following is a functional interface:
interface Foo { public void play(); }
A functional interface can also have default and static methods. For example:
interface Foo { public void play(); default void defaultPlay() { System.out.println("default play method"); } public static void staticPlay() { System.out.println("static play method"); } }
In Java 8, Lambda expressions can represent the instance of a functional interface. For example:
Runnable r1 = () -> System.out.println(“Runnable example”);
@FunctionalInterface annotation
This annotation is used to indicate that an interface type declaration is intended to be a functional interface. As mentioned earlier, using this annotation is not mandatory with an interface intended to be a functional interface.
A functional interface has exactly one abstract method. A functional interface can have any number of default and static methods.
If user tries to add more than one abstract method, compiler will flag Invalid ‘@FunctionalInterface’ annotation message. For example, following interface is an invalid functional interface and will give compilation error. Here we have added another abstract method play2().
@FunctionalInterface interface Foo { public void play(); public void play2(); default void defaultPlay() { System.out.println("default play method"); } public static void staticPlay() { System.out.println("static play method"); } }
Functional interface with respect to inheritance
Case 1. If an interface extends functional interface and child interface does not contain any abstract method, then child interface is a functional interface.
In the following example, Child interface extends Parent interface. Child interface does not have its own method. So Child interface is a valid functional interface.
interface Parent { public void play(); } @FunctionalInterface interface Child extends Parent{ }
Case 2: If an interface extends functional interface and child interface defines the exact abstract method, then child interface will be a valid functional interface.
In the following example, child interface defines the same play() method. So child interface has only one abstract method, i.e. play(). So child interface is a valid functional interface.
interface Parent { public void play(); } @FunctionalInterface interface Child extends Parent{ public void play(); }
Case 3: If an interface extends functional interface and child interface defines an additional abstract method then child interface is not a valid functional interface. However, child interface is a valid interface as it is possible for an interface to extend another interface.