
let in JavaScript

1. Introduction

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss another way for declaring variables in JavaScript. First we have to discuss the problem with var which lead to the need of let.

var x = 5;

if (true) {
  var x = 2;

  console.log(x); //output: 2

console.log(x); //output: 2

In this code, x is changed in the if block and it overrides the value of x declared outside the if block. To overcome such problems, a block-scoped variable was required.

The let allows you declare a block-scoped local variable. You can initialize it to a value if you want to.

let x = 5;

if (true) {
  let x = 2;

  console.log(x); //output: 2

console.log(x); //output: 5

let allows you to declare a block-level declaration. Block-level declarations are not accessible outside a given block. Block scopes are created in the following places:

  • inside a function.
  • inside a block (enclosed between { and })

A let variable’s scope is limited to only the current code block. One important point to note about let is that it is only initialized only when the initialization statement is executed. This behavior is different from that of var which is hoisted and initialized to the default value of undefined.

2. let does not create properties of the window object when declared globally

let y = 5;
console.log(window.y); // output is undefined
console.log(this.y); //output is undefined

3. let is a block-scoped variable

The scope of a let variable is the block in which they are declared as well as any sub-blocks in the block. You saw an example of let as a block-scoped variable. Following is an example of let which is similar to var where let has scope of enclosing variables as well.

function test() {
  let x = "inside function";
    x = "inside block";
    console.log(x); //inside block
  console.log(x); //inside block

4. You can’t redeclare same let variable in the block

Redeclaring same let variable in the same block raises SyntaxError.

function hello() {
  let x = "hello";
  let x = "world"; // SyntaxError

5. let Hoisting

Variables declared with let are also hoisted but not initialized with a default value. An exception will be thrown if you try to read a let variable before it is initialized.

console.log(str); // Throws ReferenceError exception
let str = 'hello'; // Initialization

6. Redeclaring same var variable as let

Since var variables are hoisted, you’ll get SyntaxError in the following example:

let x = 5;
  var x = 6; // SyntaxError for re-declaration

7. Temporal dead zone (TDZ)

We already discussed that a let variable can’t be read until they are fully initialized. A variable is in temporal dead zone (TDZ) from the start of the block until it is fully initialized. The term “temporal” is used because it depends on the execution of the code rather than the order in which the code is written.

	// TDZ for x starts here at the beginning of the block
	console.log(x); //reference error
	console.log('hello world');
	let x = 5; // TDZ ends here for x as it is initialized 

Another example:

    // TDZ starts here at beginning of scope
    const myFunc = () => console.log(myVar); // no exception

    // Read/write of myVar will thow throw ReferenceError

    let myVar = 5; // TDZ for myVar ends here
    myFunc(); // myFunc() is called outside TDZ

Within the TDZ accessing a let variable access throws ReferenceError.

7.1 typeof in TDZ

Using typeof operator for a let variable in its TDZ will throw a ReferenceError.

console.log(typeof i); // throws a 'ReferenceError'
let x = 'hello';

8. Conclusion

In this tutorial, we discussed let, the way to declare block-scoped variables. It is recommended to use let instead of var as it is more clearer to use let and readability.