
Spring Cloud OpenFeign

1. Introduction

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss Spring Cloud OpenFeign. This tutorial is a summary from documentation page of Spring Cloud OpenFeign.

Spring Cloud OpenFeign project provides OpenFeign integrations for Spring Boot apps through autoconfiguration and binding to the Spring Environment and other Spring programming model idioms.

2. Declarative REST Client: Feign

Feign is a declarative web service client. It makes writing web service clients easier. Feign is a declarative web service client. It makes writing web service clients easier. To use Feign create an interface and annotate it. It has pluggable annotation support including Feign annotations and JAX-RS annotations. Feign also supports pluggable encoders and decoders. Spring Cloud integrates Eureka, Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker, as well as Spring Cloud LoadBalancer to provide a load-balanced http client when using Feign.

3. How to Include Feign

To include Feign in your project use the starter with group org.springframework.cloud and artifact id spring-cloud-starter-openfeign.


spring-cloud-starter-openfeign supports spring-cloud-starter-loadbalancer. However, as is an optional dependency, you need to make sure it has been added to your project if you want to use it. Starting with Spring Cloud OpenFeign 4, the Feign Apache HttpClient 4 is no longer supported. We suggest using Apache HttpClient 5 instead.

4. Enable Feign Clients

Annotate your main application class with @EnableFeignClients to enable Feign functionality:

public class FeignExampleApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(FeignExampleApplication.class, args);

To use @EnableFeignClients annotation on @Configuration-annotated-classes, make sure to specify where the clients are located, for example: @EnableFeignClients(basePackages = "com.example.clients") or list them explicitly: @EnableFeignClients(clients = InventoryServiceFeignClient.class)

5. Using Feign Client

public interface StoreClient {
    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/stores")
    List<Store> getStores();

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/stores")
    Page<Store> getStores(Pageable pageable);

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/stores/{storeId}", consumes = "application/json")
    Store update(@PathVariable("storeId") Long storeId, Store store);

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.DELETE, value = "/stores/{storeId:\\d+}")
    void delete(@PathVariable Long storeId);

In the @FeignClient annotation the String value (“stores” above) is an arbitrary client name, which is used to create a Spring Cloud LoadBalancer client. You can also specify a URL using the url attribute (absolute value or just a hostname). The name of the bean in the application context is the fully qualified name of the interface. To specify your own alias value you can use the qualifiers value of the FeignClient annotation.

The load-balancer client above will want to discover the physical addresses for the “stores” service. If your application is a Eureka client then it will resolve the service in the Eureka service registry. If you don’t want to use Eureka, you can configure a list of servers in your external configuration using SimpleDiscoveryClient. Spring Cloud OpenFeign supports all the features available for the blocking mode of Spring Cloud LoadBalancer.

6. Attribute resolution mode

While creating Feign client beans, we resolve the values passed via the @FeignClient annotation. If you need the attributes to be resolved lazily, set the spring.cloud.openfeign.lazy-attributes-resolution property value to true.

7. Overriding Feign Defaults

Spring Cloud creates a new ensemble as an ApplicationContext on demand for each named client using FeignClientsConfiguration.

Spring Cloud lets you take full control of the feign client by declaring additional configuration (on top of the FeignClientsConfiguration) using @FeignClient. Example:

@FeignClient(name = "stores", configuration = FooConfiguration.class)
public interface StoreClient {

Previously, using the url attribute, did not require the name attribute. Using name is now required. Placeholders are supported in the name and url attributes.

@FeignClient(name = "${feign.name}", url = "${feign.url}")
public interface StoreClient {

@FeignClient also can be configured using configuration properties.

                        url: http://remote-service.com
                        connectTimeout: 5000
                        readTimeout: 5000
                        loggerLevel: full
                        errorDecoder: com.example.SimpleErrorDecoder
                        retryer: com.example.SimpleRetryer
                            query: queryValue
                            header: headerValue
                            - com.example.FooRequestInterceptor
                            - com.example.BarRequestInterceptor
                        responseInterceptor: com.example.BazResponseInterceptor
                        dismiss404: false
                        encoder: com.example.SimpleEncoder
                        decoder: com.example.SimpleDecoder
                        contract: com.example.SimpleContract
                            - com.example.FooCapability
                            - com.example.BarCapability
                        queryMapEncoder: com.example.SimpleQueryMapEncoder
                        micrometer.enabled: false

feignName in this example refers to @FeignClient value, that is also aliased with @FeignClient name and @FeignClient contextId. In a load-balanced scenario, it also corresponds to the serviceId of the server app that will be used to retrieve the instances. The specified classes for decoders, retryer and other ones must have a bean in the Spring context or have a default constructor.

Default configurations can be specified in the @EnableFeignClients attribute defaultConfiguration in a similar manner as described above. The difference is that this configuration will apply to all feign clients.

You can use spring.cloud.openfeign.client.config.feignName.defaultQueryParameters and spring.cloud.openfeign.client.config.feignName.defaultRequestHeaders to specify query parameters and headers that will be sent with every request of the client named feignName.

                        connectTimeout: 5000
                        readTimeout: 5000
                        loggerLevel: basic

8. Timeout Handling

We can configure timeouts on both the default and the named client. OpenFeign works with two timeout parameters:

  • connectTimeout prevents blocking the caller due to the long server processing time.
  • readTimeout is applied from the time of connection establishment and is triggered when returning the response takes too long.

9. Creating Feign Clients Manually

In some cases it might be necessary to customize your Feign Clients in a way that is not possible using the methods above. In this case you can create Clients using the Feign Builder API. Below is an example which creates two Feign Clients with the same interface but configures each one with a separate request interceptor.

class FooController {

    private FooClient fooClient;

    private FooClient adminClient;

    public FooController(Client client, Encoder encoder, Decoder decoder, Contract contract, MicrometerObservationCapability micrometerObservationCapability) {
        this.fooClient = Feign.builder().client(client)
                .requestInterceptor(new BasicAuthRequestInterceptor("user", "user"))
                .target(FooClient.class, "https://PROD-SVC");

        this.adminClient = Feign.builder().client(client)
                .requestInterceptor(new BasicAuthRequestInterceptor("admin", "admin"))
                .target(FooClient.class, "https://PROD-SVC");

In the above example FeignClientsConfiguration.class is the default configuration provided by Spring Cloud OpenFeign. PROD-SVC is the name of the service the Clients will be making requests to.

10. Feign Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker Support

If Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker is on the classpath and spring.cloud.openfeign.circuitbreaker.enabled=true, Feign will wrap all methods with a circuit breaker. To disable Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker support on a per-client basis create a vanilla Feign.Builder with the “prototype” scope, e.g.:

public class FooConfiguration {
    public Feign.Builder feignBuilder() {
        return Feign.builder();

The circuit breaker name follows this pattern #(). When calling a @FeignClient with FooClient interface and the called interface method that has no parameters is bar then the circuit breaker name will be FooClient#bar().

11. Configuring CircuitBreakers With Configuration Properties

You can configure CircuitBreakers via configuration properties.

For example, if you had this Feign client

@FeignClient(url = "http://localhost:8080")
public interface DemoClient {

    String getDemo();

You could configure it using configuration properties by doing the following

        enabled: true
          enabled: true
        minimumNumberOfCalls: 69
        timeoutDuration: 10s

12. Feign Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker Fallbacks

Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker supports the notion of a fallback: a default code path that is executed when the circuit is open or there is an error. To enable fallbacks for a given @FeignClient set the fallback attribute to the class name that implements the fallback. You also need to declare your implementation as a Spring bean.

@FeignClient(name = "test", url = "http://localhost:${server.port}/", fallback = Fallback.class)
protected interface TestClient {

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/hello")
    Hello getHello();

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/hellonotfound")
    String getException();


static class Fallback implements TestClient {

    public Hello getHello() {
        throw new NoFallbackAvailableException("Boom!", new RuntimeException());

    public String getException() {
        return "Fixed response";


If one needs access to the cause that made the fallback trigger, one can use the fallbackFactory attribute inside @FeignClient.

@FeignClient(name = "testClientWithFactory", url = "http://localhost:${server.port}/",
            fallbackFactory = TestFallbackFactory.class)
protected interface TestClientWithFactory {

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/hello")
    Hello getHello();

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/hellonotfound")
    String getException();


static class TestFallbackFactory implements FallbackFactory<FallbackWithFactory> {

    public FallbackWithFactory create(Throwable cause) {
        return new FallbackWithFactory();


static class FallbackWithFactory implements TestClientWithFactory {

    public Hello getHello() {
        throw new NoFallbackAvailableException("Boom!", new RuntimeException());

    public String getException() {
        return "Fixed response";


13. Feign request/response compression

You may consider enabling the request or response GZIP compression for your Feign requests. You can do this by enabling one of the properties:


Feign request compression gives you settings similar to what you may set for your web server:


14. Feign logging

A logger is created for each Feign client created. By default, the name of the logger is the full class name of the interface used to create the Feign client. Feign logging only responds to the DEBUG level.

logging.level.project.user.UserClient: DEBUG

The Logger.Level object that you may configure per client, tells Feign how much to log. Choices are:

  • NONE, No logging (DEFAULT).
  • BASIC, Log only the request method and URL and the response status code and execution time.
  • HEADERS, Log the basic information along with request and response headers.
  • FULL, Log the headers, body, and metadata for both requests and responses.

For example, the following would set the Logger.Level to FULL:

public class FooConfiguration {
    Logger.Level feignLoggerLevel() {
        return Logger.Level.FULL;

15. Feign Caching

If @EnableCaching annotation is used, a CachingCapability bean is created and registered so that your Feign client recognizes @Cache* annotations on its interface:

public interface DemoClient {

    @Cacheable(cacheNames = "demo-cache", key = "#keyParam")
    String demoEndpoint(String keyParam, @PathVariable String filterParam);

You can also disable the feature via property spring.cloud.openfeign.cache.enabled=false.

16. HATEOAS support

Spring provides some APIs to create REST representations that follow the HATEOAS principle, Spring Hateoas and Spring Data REST.

If your project use the org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-hateoas starter or the org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-rest starter, Feign HATEOAS support is enabled by default.

When HATEOAS support is enabled, Feign clients are allowed to serialize and deserialize HATEOAS representation models: EntityModel, CollectionModel and PagedModel.

public interface DemoTemplate {

    @GetMapping(path = "/stores")
    CollectionModel<Store> getStores();