
Semi-join in Oracle

1. Overview

A semi-join in Oracle is a type of query where rows from one table are returned if they satisfy a condition with at least one row from another table. Unlike regular joins, a semi-join only returns rows from the first table, even if multiple matching rows exist in the second table. It is commonly implemented using the EXISTS or IN clauses.

Semi-joins are particularly useful for improving query performance in cases where you only need to check the existence of related data in another table.

2. Characteristics of a Semi-Join

  1. Focus on the First Table: Returns rows only from the first table.
  2. Existence Check: Used to determine whether related rows exist in another table.
  3. Efficient Execution: Can be optimized using indexes and query execution plans.

3. Syntax

3.1 Using EXISTS

SELECT column_list
FROM table1 t1
    SELECT 1
    FROM table2 t2
    WHERE t1.column_name = t2.column_name

3.2 Using IN

SELECT column_list
FROM table1 t1
WHERE t1.column_name IN (
    SELECT t2.column_name
    FROM table2 t2

4. Example

Example 1: Semi-Join Using EXISTS

We’ll use the following tables for this example.


| 1           | Alice   |
| 2           | Bob     |
| 3           | Charlie |
| 4           | David   |


| 101      | 1           |
| 102      | 2           |
| 103      | 1           |
| 104      | 3           |


Return all customers who have placed at least one order:

SELECT c.customer_id, c.name
FROM customer c
    SELECT 1
    FROM order o
    WHERE c.customer_id = o.customer_id


| 1           | Alice   |
| 2           | Bob     |
| 3           | Charlie |

Example 2: Semi-Join Using IN

Return all customers who have placed at least one order:

SELECT c.CustomerID, c.Name
FROM Customers c
WHERE c.CustomerID IN (
    SELECT o.CustomerID
    FROM Orders o

Output is still the same.

5. Semi-Join vs Inner Join

FeatureSemi-JoinInner Join
Rows ReturnedOnly rows from the first table.Combines rows from both tables.
DuplicatesDoes not produce duplicates from the second table.May return duplicates depending on the match.
Use CaseExistence check.Retrieving matching rows from both tables.

6. Performance Considerations

  • Indexing: Ensure columns used in the join condition are indexed to improve query performance.
  • Use EXISTS for Scalability: EXISTS is often more efficient than IN when the subquery returns a large result set.
  • Execution Plans: Analyze the execution plan using EXPLAIN PLAN to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks.

7. When to Use Semi-Joins

  • Existence Checks: When you only need to confirm that related data exists in another table.
  • Filtering Data: To filter rows from the first table based on the presence of related rows in the second table.
  • Improving Performance: Semi-joins can avoid unnecessary data retrieval and improve query efficiency.

8. Conclusion

Semi-joins are a powerful tool for efficiently querying related data in Oracle. By understanding their syntax and characteristics, you can use them to write optimized queries for scenarios involving existence checks or filtering data based on relationships.