
Category: Redux

  • Redux Toolkit example

    1. Introduction In this tutorial we’ll rewrite our Redux example we created earlier with Redux Toolkit. 2. Configure Store with Redux Toolkit The configureStore API from Redux Toolkit creates a Redux store that holds the complete state tree of your app, and also automatically configure the Redux DevTools extension so that you can inspect the…

  • Introduction in Redux Thunk

    1. Introduction Thunks are a standard approach for writing async logic in Redux apps, and are commonly used for data fetching. The word “thunk” is a programming term that means “a piece of code that does some delayed work”. This means we can write a function which has some logic that executes later. According to…

  • Code Structure in Redux

    1. Introduction In this short tutorial, we’ll discuss the two approaches to structure code files in your Redux project. 2. First approach In the first approach, a folder is created for each slice in the store. For example, if two types of state data is maintained in the store tasks and students, then there will…

  • Redux store example

    1. Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll create a simple application and will use Redux to update the state. 2. Design the Redux Store The application we are going to create is an application to manage tasks. The state of the application maintains the tasks. We maintain an array to store our tasks. Our array of…

  • Redux – An Introduction

    1. Introduction According to the documentation of Redux: Redux is a JS library for predictable and maintainable global state management. Redux can be used with commonly used libraries like React, Angular, Vue.js. It helps manage the state of your application in a predictable way. Redux is very small in size (2kB, including dependencies). Redux Toolkit…