
Category: Spring Security

  • OAuth 2.0 protocol flow

    1. Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the OAuth 2.0 protocol flow. We’ll discuss the basic protocol flow. There are other variations to this flow bases on the different use cases, for example in case of refresh tokens there is an extra step to get the new access token in case the existing access token…

  • What is OAuth 2.0?

    1. Introduction OAuth 2.0 is the industry-standard protocol for authorization. OAuth 2.0 is an open protocol (or you can say a set of specifications) that allows developers to authorize users from web, mobile and desktop applications. This specification and its extensions are being developed within the IETF OAuth Working Group. One important point to note…

  • Getting started with using Spring Security with Spring Boot – Securing REST API

    1. Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll integrate Spring Security with Spring Boot. We’ll see how to secure a REST API with Spring Security in a Spring Boot application. In this tutorial, we’ll create a simple REST API with Spring Boot and will secure it. You can say that this tutorial is the very first step…

  • Password encoding with Spring Security

    1. Introduction Spring Boot has inbuilt support for authentication. The most common way of authentication is using username and password. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss about authentication using username and password and encoding passwords. We’ll discuss in brief about the password encoding. Understanding the background of password storage is very important to secure an application.…

  • Spring Security – An Introduction

    1. Introduction In this tutorial, we are going to discuss Spring Security. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss Spring Security in brief. Spring Security is a framework that provides authentication, authorization and protection against common attacks like CRSF. Before we go ahead, let us discuss Authentication and Authorization. 2. What is Authentication? Authentication is the process…